SMC Student Sustainability Award
Introducing the SMC Student Sustainability Award, an esteemed accolade that honors students' noteworthy contributions to sustainability. This initiative, supported by the Singapore Mentorship Committee, recognizes outstanding achievements in promoting sustainable cities and responsible consumption and production, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
Importance of mentorship for university students in Singapore
Future Perspective |Maintain good relations
创新筑梦|走进HAP 智能家居世界
The Law Society of Singapore and the Singapore Mentorship Committee has signed a Memorandum of Understanding
2021年12月8日,LawSoc 主席 Gregory Vijayendran SC 和 SMC 主席 David Ong 博士代表两组织签订战略合作备忘录,共同促进两组织的发展共赢。