September 8, 2023

The Law Society of Singapore and the Singapore Mentorship Committee has signed a Memorandum of Understanding

2021年12月8日,LawSoc 主席 Gregory Vijayendran SC 和 SMC 主席 David Ong 博士代表两组织签订战略合作备忘录,共同促进两组织的发展共赢。

Below message is extracted from LawSoc Facebook:

The Law Society of Singapore ("LawSoc") and the Singapore Mentorship Committee ("SMC") have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") to foster closer relationships between members of both organizations. Under the MOU, signed by President Gregory Vijayendran SC and the Chairman of SMC, Dr. David Ong on 8 December 2021, the two organizations will jointly organize webinars/seminars and networking events with mutually advance the business interests of the membership of both organizations. Additionally, under the MOU, SMC also endeavors to:

(a) promote the use of LawSoc's ADR offerings (i.e. the LawSoc Arbitration Scheme and LawSoc Mediation Scheme) among its members and affiliates; and

(b) encourage the adoption of Singapore law as governing law for transborder business agreements among SMC members. This is aligned with the national goal of promoting Singapore law.

President Gregory Vijayendran SC said: “This MOU memorializes a special and unique collaboration that has grown rapidly within a short period. Over the last three years, SMC and Dr. David Ong have mentored LawSoc with rich, strategic insight on China, international relations, and the economic growth of Singapore, to name a few key areas. The wisdom and insights shared were profound, deep and cutting edge not superficial or fluff. At the same time, we are nonoured that SMC sees LawSoc as a strategic partner to value add legal perspectives for its members, mentors and mentees in the business sector. The time is ripe for us to formalize and forge ties together via an MOU. ”

This extraordinary SMC is a non-for-profit organization voluntarily organization formed by prominent business leaders in China and Southeast Asia who are looking to build trade and cultural collaborations with Singapore. It is dedicated to creating a leading mentoring platform that embraces innovation, promotes a culture of sustainable learning, and provides collaboration opportunities. networks and resources for the younger generation, entrepreneurs, and business leaders of multinationals.

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