September 17, 2023

Soft vs Firm Leadership - Does it Matter ? Rolf Gerber

SMC Youth Hike on 30th September 2023

About the SMC Youth Hike

The Singapore Mentorship Committee organises the SMC Youth Hike, a bi-weekly 5-7 km walk along a picturesque trail in Singapore. This event which is ~3 hours, brings together mentors and youth from universities and even schools, who walk in pairs along the walk and these pairs are switched every few kilometres. 

Every Youth Hike event also has a guest speaker, usually who has leadership experience in business, public service and startups. The hike is intended to help youth in Singapore 🇸🇬  to help them be global ready talents and also find mentors as they Dream, Plan and Act on building a fulfilling professional and personal life.

Rolf Gerber

We are happy to share Rolf Gerber is joining us as our guest speaker for the SMC Youth Hike scheduled for 30th of September '23. Join us to gather his insights around soft vs firm leadership and does it matter ? 

Rolf Gerber 

Sign up 

University students are invited to sign up for the event via this link ->  Sign up by clicking here